The dev team recommands Debian GNU/Linux Stable for a better experience of the FreeMedForms project.
Only stable apps can be used in daily practice.
Supported operating systems
The following operating systems are supported:
Debian GNU/Linux: Stable & Testing
Ubuntu GNU/Linux: on demand (LTS only)
Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks (64 bit) and higher
Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Since v1.1.0, some of our files are copyrighted so downloads are not fully compatible with the Debian social contract. If you want a 100% compatible software please check v1.0.0.
Signing files
Files distributed from this website are compressed and signed to ensure maximum security. You can be sure, after download, that the files are not damaged or modified by a third party source. After checking, you can be sure to have the original files.