First release with the new token manager: PadTools
Adding a status bar at the top right corner of the patient bar
Manage episode validation
Allow the renewal of episode (in one click)
Cheque printing assistant (French specific)
Remove current patient (without any checking)
Manages last measurements of weight and height in tokens and scripts
All last episodes values are accessible throught the Core::IPatient model
New patient data and tokens (SocialNumber, SocialNumberOwnerFullName, WeightInGrams…)
New settings for the patient selector (patient navigation history, new patient default values)
When loading a textual file inside a text editor of a patient file, all tokens are replaced (patient tokens, user tokens)
Full patient file exportation to
Adding a new preferences for prescription printing
New Menu Button FormItem to easily navigate and include local files to text editors
Some new scripting functions
Including drugs SPC (Summary of Product Characteristics) in the drugs database for France and ZA
In the patient selector identity viewer, adding a button to quickly send a mail to the patient
HPRIM v1 compatibility
HPRIM importation in patient file